Senior toxicologist of the Italian National Health Institute (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ISS)
I am a senior toxicologist of the Italian National Health Institute (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ISS), with two main fields of expertise i) specific aspects of toxicology: endocrine disruption and reproductive toxicology (ISS web area www.old.iss.it/inte). My recent activities include the participation to the ongoing H2020 projects EUTOXRISK on the development of non-animal testing strategies and SEAFOODTOMORROW on the improvement of the risks-benefits balance in fish and seafood products. ii) Risk assessment: development of the international framework of toxicological risk assessment with main focus on food safety: classification of hazardous substances, , risk assessment in food chains, development of testing and assessment strategies within EFSA, ECHA and OECD activities. In particular I have been member of Panels of the European Food Safety Authority (2003-9 and 2015-18 FEEDAP Panel on the safety of animal feeds; 2012-15 PPR Panel on pesticides and their residues; 2010-15 Working group on Emerging Risks); I am currently (since July 2018) external expert of the FEEDAP Panel. The experience in EFSA has been and is still important to develop a broader view encompassing also the themes of sustainability, “one health” (environment-food-health) as well as uncertainty in risk analysis. Since 2000 I am member of the OECD Working Group on Endocrine Disrupters Testing and Assessment where I have also participated to the Steering Committee for the revision of Guidance Document No. 150 on test guidelines for evaluating chemicals for endocrine disruption (issued on 2018).