Instituto Nacional de Saúde
Dr. Ricardo Jorge
Ricardo Assunção, DVM, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, is one of the fellows of the “EU-FORA – The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme”, funded by EFSA. Under EU-FORA, Ricardo is a Visiting Researcher at Research Group for Risk-Benefit at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU, Denmark). Additionally, he is an invited Scientist at National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA, Portugal). Ricardo’s main research activities include food safety and public health, with the particular interest in food toxicology, health risk assessment and risk-benefit assessment, particularly the interaction between foods/diets and disease development or prevention. Ricardo is co-coordinating an international project funded by EFSA on risk-benefit assessment of foods (RiskBenefit4EU- Partnering to strengthen the risk-benefit assessment within EU using a holistic approach) in collaboration with national (ASAE and University of Porto, Portugal) and international partners (INRA, France and DTU, Denmark). He also participated as a researcher in different national and international research projects. Ricardo published several full papers in national and international journals, supervised some students and he was awarded by University of Évora (IIFA) with a Merit Award (2017) and also by the Society for Mycotoxin Research with the Brigitte-Gedek Science Award (2018).