Dean of Faculty Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
November 2017 – today. Dean of Faculty Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
March, 2015 – today. Director of Doctoral School Agrysistem
2006-today. Agricultural Chemistry Full Professor – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, DiSTAS – Department for Sustainable food process.
Scientist involved in national and international projects. Main field of interest: ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry of xenobiotics, environmental modelling and risk indicators, human health risk assessment. 105 publications in ISI journals, plus more than 300 in other journals. Author of several book on environmental fate of chemicals and soil biomass.
Teaching areas: Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry of maturation and ripening for the Degree in Food Science;
Biochemistry and Effect of agricultural activities on ecosystem for the Degree in Agricultural Science.
Involved in several European projects, such as HAIR (SSPE-CT-2003-501997), Art WET LIFE (06 ENV/F/000133).
Effective member of the Italian commission of biocides. Field editor of Agronomie, Agriculture and Environment since
1996. Appointed in the editorial committee of a large number of scientific journal reviewing scientific papers from
international journals. Since 1995 is member in the EPPO panel for the evaluation of pesticide impact on ground and
surface waters. He was a member of a research unit CNR-GNDCI (Assessment of groundwater vulnerability) for the Civil Protection of the Italian Government. He has been President of Environment & Pesticide association GRIFA (Gruppo di Ricerca Italiano Fitofarmaci ed Ambiente) since 2002 to 2007. Also, was president (2011-2013) of Italian Society of Agricultural Chemistry (SICA).