Senior Scientific Officer
European Food Safety Authority, Italy
Prof.Dr. Hans Verhagen (1957) studied chemistry at the Universities of Nijmegen
(NL) and Paris (FR). He did his PhD on food toxicology at the University of
Maastricht (NL; thesis in 1989). From 1990-2000 he worked at the TNO Nutrition
and Food Research Institute in Zeist (NL). From 2000-2005 he worked for
Unilever in Vlaardingen (NL). Since May 2005 he was employed at the National
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, NL
( www.rivm.nl/en ), from 2005-2012 as Head of the Centre for Nutrition and Health,
from 2013-2015 as Senior Scientific Adviser ‘Nutrition and Food Safety’. From
1999-2004 he was editor-in-chief of “Food & Chemical Toxicology”
( http://www.elsevier.com/locate/foodchemtox ). From 2011–2015 he was Chief
Editor of the “European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety”
( http://www.sciencedomain.org/journal-home.php?id=30 ). He is a board-certified
nutritionist (since 2005) and a board-certified toxicologist (since 1990). From
2006-2015 he was a member of the EFSA-NDA panel (European Food Safety
Authority; http://www.efsa.europa.eu/EFSA/ScientificPanels/efsa_locale-
1178620753812_NDA.htm ). Since November 2009 he is a visiting professor at
the University of Ulster (Northern Ireland;
http://biomed.science.ulster.ac.uk/niche ). From November 2015 – June 2018, he
was the head of the Risk Assessment and Scientific Assistance Department
(RASA) at the European Food Safety Authority, Parma, Italy. From July 2018 he
is Senior Science Coordinator in EFSA.
Number of full papers: 157 (plus: Other papers 148; EFSA publications 5;
Publications as editor 21; Other publications in Dutch 21; scientific reports: many
Hirsch Index (by Nov 2017): Scopus: 38; Web of Science: 36;
Google Scolar/Harzing's Publish or Perish: 44.