Italian National Institute of Health
Dpt. of Food safety, nutrition and veterinary public health
Unit of Nutrition and Health
Stefano Lorenzetti graduated in Biological Sciences (1991) and in Sciences of Human Nutrition (2003). Since 2017 – National nominated member of the Endocrine Disruptors Expert Group (EDEG) at the European Chemicals Authority (ECHA), Helsinki. Since 2018 – Board Member of ecopa – the european consensus platform for alternatives.
Research activities (short). From 1990 to 1998: Yeast genetics studies and yeast mitochondrail genome analysis at the Sapienza University of Rome (1990-1991). Molecular mechanisms and biochemical studies of biogenesis and transport of intracellular vesicles at the Vienna Biocenter of the University of Vienna (1995-1998). Since 1999: Cell differentiation of different human-derived cell lines to study the biological effects of Endocrine Disruptors either plant-derived (e.g. flavonoids and other plant bioactives) at INRAN, Rome (1998-2006) or man-made chemicals found in the food chain (e.g. pesticides, plasticizers, food contact materials and so on) at ISS, Rome.
Running projects: Scientific responsible of the ISS unit in the PRO-HEALTH project, to identify predictive biomarkers to distinguisk different prostate diseases (granted by PRO Foundation onlus); Scientific responsible of the ISS unit in the FAST project to identify environmental contaminants associated to the male reproductive health (granted by the MInistery of Health).
Past projects (selected): Project manager of the LIFE-EDESIA project “Endocrine Disruptors in silico / in vitro – Evaluation and Substitution for Industrial Applications” (EU-granted); Scientific responsible of the project “Alternative in vitro methods: prostate-mediated male reproductive toxicity of potential SVHC” (granted by the MInistery of Health).